Friday, May 1, 2009

Boys day out-Take 2

Kaden has been under the weather this past week. (same nasty ear infection....tubes on the way) But today he woke up saying "side, side" so I decided to take him to the park. Here is the Readers Digest version of our first trip. After a breakfast of grapes and thrown cherrios we arrive at the park. Exploded diaper. Nascar style change with gagging. Go back home. Wash clothes. Run bath. No hot water but happy bathing baby. Water turns too cold. Screaming baby..."Mommy, Mommy" Dads heart breaks. Change of clothes and back to the park!! Kaden loves the Tucan rocker
Swinging is fun!! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!

He taught this to himself....I we nervous at first but after 20 straight times I relaxed!!


Grandma said...

Love the story! I laughed out loud while remembering similar adventures with his father and Uncle Steven.

VanKerckhove Family said...

I laughed out loud too! Way to slide down head first, dude!